Telephones: +30 213 1306 225 & 226
The National School of Public Administration and Local Government (ESDDA) is one of EKDDA’s training units that, according to L 3966/2001 (art. 57) succeeds the National School of Public Administration (ESDD) and incorporates the National School of Local Government (ESTA). The new, unified School is going to continue and upgrade the role of the former two Schools feeding the PA with highly educated/trained officials of fast promotion, capable of responding to the new conditions the Hellenic PA and Greece in general are faced with.
The ESDDA accepts University and Technological Institutions graduates that have succeeded at its entry competition that’s organised and realized by an independent Central Examination Committee. Each time, the number of enrollments is determined by the notice of competition. The School’s students, if not already public servants, are considered probationers with wage and insurance rights.