The School
The National School of Public Administration and Local Government (ESDDA) is the educational unit of the National Center of Public Administration and Local Government with the mission of training a body of specialized officials of the Public Administration with comprehensive professional training
The Curriculum of ESDDA is prepared by the Heads of Studies and Research in cooperation with the Director of ESDDA and is approved by the Administration Board of EKDDA, following the opinion given by the Scientific-Educational Council.
Possible studies of work teams with the participation of ESDDA officials and persons of acknowledged scientific prestige from the academia and Public Administration as well as the assessments of the previous programs both by the trainers and the trainees are taken into account for the preparation and creation of the Curriculum. ESDDA curriculum is structured along five fields:
1st Field: Law
2nd Field: Economy
3rd Field: Public Administration
4th Field: Digital Governance
5th Field: Foreign languages
Apart from the courses, in the framework of the Curriculum, educational actions, visits, lectures, meetings etc relating to special topics of the program and/or interdisciplinary and innovative approaches to Public Administration issues are carried out.