implements life-long training actions, focuses on the production of fast-career executives and the research, documentation and innovation at all development levels of the public administration human resources
Introducing EKDDA
The National Center for Public Administration (EKDDA) is the national strategic Organization for the development of the human resources of Hellenic Public Administration and Local Government.
Our History
EKDDA was established in 1983 and is a Legal Entity under public law, supervised by the Minister of the Interior.
Our vision
The vision of EKDDA is to contribute to the development of an effective administration by ensuring high quality services for citizens. Its mission is the continuous upgrading of the human resources of the Greek Public Administration through lifelong education and certified training for a more reliable and effective State that serves the interests of the citizen. It is also about the modernization of the Greek public sector and its agencies through research, documentation and innovation.
We believe that the most valuable asset of Public Administration is its human resources. The civil servants who are to be seen as the ambassadors of the public service core values: respect of human dignity, transparency, accountability, knowledge, innovation and public interest service.
EKDDA Leadership
EKDDA is headed by its President, Vice-President and a Management Board consisting of public management and administration experts and representatives of social partners.
EKDDA’s Scientific-Educational Council plays a central consultative and advisory role regarding the training and education curricula and their implementation in compliance with high level scientific criteria.
Institute of Training (INEP)
Enhancement of knowledge & skills
The Institute of Training – INEP (inep@ekdd.gr) and its decentralized structure in Thessaloniki contributes to the adaptation of the public administration personnel to the needs of an open, participatory and effective administration. For that reason, INEP designs and materializes a wide spectrum of accredited training programs aiming at the implementation of specific public policies, at the improvement of the Public Administration effectiveness, as well as at the quality of the services to the citizen.
All training programs are free of charge for the trainees or their services, they are aligned with the operational goals and the organizational changes of each service or institution, and they are designed after the processing of requests and the training needs identification. INEP’s curricula are constantly enriched with new titles within articulated thematic fields.
More than 1.800 training programs are delivered annually throughout the country; they are attended by an average of 35.000 Public Administration and Local Government employees. Taking into account the new data regarding the protection of Public Health, EKDDA’s Institute of Training has adapted and implements a large number of training programs with the process of synchronous or asynchronous distance training.
National School of Public Administration and Local Government (ESDDA)
A demanding path: selection and training of public sector executives
The National School of Public Administration & Local Government – ESDDA, prepares high level administrative officials with efficient professional training and modern administrative perception for the staffing of public administration and local government. In order to enter ESDDA, the candidates, who must be university graduates, should succeed in the admission examinations held by an independent Central Examination Committee annually.
The training period lasts 18 months and the curriculum covers a wide spectrum of modules. With the contribution of the EC DG Reform and the French National Institute of Public Service (INSP – formerly ENA), ESDDA’s admission competition has recently been reformed, acquiring a more technocratic and operational character. In addition, by way of the law on the Executive State, for the first time, a special training program will begin so as ESDDA’s students are admitted in the Executive Branch.
Institute of documentation, research and innovation (ITEK)
Administrative know – how & innovation
The National Centre for Public Administration & Local Government (EKDDA), through its research unit, the Institute of Documentation, Research, and Innovation – ITEK (itek@ekdd.gr) has become a producer of administrative know-how (expertise) by conducting research and studies and making use of international trends and innovative practices. The cardinal pillars of ITEK consist of the Digital Repository as a national gateway for the collection and open availability of research, studies and innovative methods regarding the development of the human resources of the Public Administration the promotion of innovative applications and practices within Public Administration through relevant synergies and initiatives (e.g. EKDDA’s hybrid Innovation Marathon) and the scientific approach to issues related to modern administration and the dissemination of administrative knowledge and information to all Public Administration executives through the publication of a newsletter.
Our Library
Our library (library@ekdd.gr) holds more than ten thousand books (Greek and foreign bibliography) related to all scientific fields and provides free access for all citizens.
EKDDA implements actions co-funded by Greece and the European Union, which mainly involve continuing training and pre-Introductory Training (Operational Programme “Public Sector Reform” ESPA and National Plan “Greece 2.0” of the Recovery and Resilience Fund).
Our Premises
Our training infrastructure includes two auditoriums and 34 fully equipment classrooms which support theoretical education and training in the classroom with the use of new technologies, as well as the possibility of programs implementation with the methods of online (synchronous and asynchronous) distance education.
In our premises, we provide information and work stations with free internet access.
Contact Us
National Centre of Public Administration & Local Government
211 Piraeus Str., 17778 Tavros,
Athens – Greece
+03 213 1306 374
Regional Training Institute (PINEP)
25D I.Koletti Str., 54627
Thessaloniki – Greece