Documentation, Research, Innovation Institute
Documentation, Research and Information for a Modern Public Administration at the Citizen's service
The Library of EKDDA specializes on all cognitive fields and scientific topics related to Public Administration.
The fields and topics that the Library covers are the following:
- Public Administration – Local Government
- Management
- Environment
- Political Science
- Law
- International relations
- Economy
- Social policy
- Training
The collection is comprised of books, journals and newspapers. The registration of books and the functions of the Library are supported by the integrated software OpenAbekt of the National Documentation Center.
EKDDA Library is a member of the Network of Academic Libraries and participates in the inter-library loan of journal articles.
The following are also included in its competences:
- Development and documentation of the Administrative Knowledge Digital Repository material
- Care to ensure the free access of the Public Administration and Local Government bodies, private sector bodies and individual parties to studies, research and statistical data.
- Ongoing enrichment of the library collection with books and journals in fields of scientific interest of EKDDA
- Care for the collection, recording and archiving of the educational material generated for the needs of the implementation of EKDDA programs and the theses of ESDDA students.
Cooperation with Libraries, Research, Studies or Documentation Centers, Organisations and Institutes in Greece and abroad involved in the collection, classification and keeping of information and data that are of interest for EKDDA